Sister Kate’s “Gospel Question of the Week” (Luke 19: 1-10) …Weekend of 11/2-3/2013 … 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Sister Kate’s “Gospel Question of the Week” (Luke 19: 1-10) Weekend of 11/2-3/2013 … 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time.  This weekend’s passage from the Holy Gospel tells the familiar story of Zacchaeus. You remember this story.  As we say today, Zacchaeus was “vertically challenged” (just plain short!). He knew that Jesus was coming to town and he wanted to see this person that everyone was talking about.  He knew that he’d get pushed to the back of the crowd and, since he was so short, he wouldn’t get a chance to even catch a glimpse of Jesus.  But Zacchaeus was enterprising…he figured out a way to pretty much guarantee giving himself a great view. What did he do?  He climbed a tree so that he could look over the heads of the entire crowd!  Let’s hear it for Zacchaeus!  Would that we put more creative time and effort into seeing Jesus in one another, in nature, in the Scriptures!  How different our lives would be if we did.  Zacchaeus was rewarded with not only a great look at Jesus, but Jesus spoke to him personally.  The rest of the Gospel passage tells us about the “instantaneous conversion” of the tax-collector, Zacchaeus.God’s grace led him to a moment of conversion.  The account describes how Jesus recognized Zacchaeus for exactly what he was,  a lost sinner in need of a Savior, and how God’s grace worked in Zacchaeus to lead him from what appears to be idle curiosity to repentance and conversion. The episode emphasizes the fact that such a conversion can only result from a person’s fully receiving the love, acceptance and grace of a merciful Lord.  What does this mean for us?  Simply this:  God wants us to recognize Him…He wants us to leave room for Him in our hearts…His greatest desire is that we be open to receiving His grace and mercy.  Think about the story of Zacchaeus…a mere glance and a few words of acceptance from Jesus changed this man from the sinner the community thought him to be into a man to whom Jesus brought salvation.  The presence of Jesus brought to Zacchaeus the twin gifts of grace and salvation.  Zacchaeus' heart was changed and he sought repentance for his sins.   Here’s a prayer for you to use each morning:  Dear Lord, So far today I've done all right.  I haven't gossiped, haven't lost my temper, and haven’t been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent.  I'm very thankful for that.  But in a few minutes, Lord, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on I'm probably going to need a lot more help.  Amen   GOSPEL QUESTION FOR THE WEEK:  How hard are you trying to see Jesus?