Deacon Neil’s “Gospel Question of the Week” (Matthew 5:13-16)…Weekend of 2/8-9/2014…The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deacon Neil’s “Gospel Question of the Week”  (Matthew 5:13-16)…Weekend of 2/8-9/2014…The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time….In this week’s Gospel, we hear Jesus speak to his followers and calling them “the light of the world” and “the salt of the earth.”  Jesus always used very simple and homey examples to bring his teaching to the peoples.  We know from our own life experience how important both light and salt are in our world.  We are fortunate to be able to bring light into our homes and places of business with the flick of a switch.  Electricity is a marvelous gift that we have been able to harness for our use.  But what happens when the power fails.  We probably all have had such experiences either within our own home or when power is cut off in a whole area.  If this comes after dark, we find ourselves stumbling around trying to find a flashlight or a candle to give us some light.  Jesus says that we are to be a light for the world.  How do we do this?  It might be by being there for someone who is experiencing darkness in their lives because of illness of some loss – a job or someone important in their lives.  It may be by helping to provide a good Christian education for our children to help them grow in their faith.  It may be by being a “guiding light” for someone who is trying to find their way in the world with difficulty.  Regardless, if we keep our light of faith burning brightly (as we mentioned last week), we can truly be a “light” in our world.  Some of us may have restricted diets that call for lesser amounts of salt because of blood pressure problems.  But we all recognize the importance of salt in enhancing the flavor of food.  Salt adds zest to our meals and Jesus is suggesting that we add zest to our faith life as well.  We can be salt to our sisters and brothers by giving meaning to lives that may have lost their meaning.  But when salt loses its savor, Jesus tells us it must be thrown out.  How can we be sure not to let the salt of our lives lose their savor?  We must continue to ask God to keep our faith alive and well in us so that we can be that person who can bring zest to someone in need.  Pray for the guidance to be both light and salt for those we touch.  There was a beautiful church on the top of a mountain in Switzerland built by the villagers who lived nearby.  But the one thing the church did not have was electricity and lights.  People who came to worship just couldn’t flip a switch and have the church illuminated.  Yet every Sunday the people who lived on the mountainside saw something magic happen.  The church bell would ring and worshippers would start marching up the mountainside to the church.  They would enter the church and the church would light up brightly. The people brought their own light – lanterns which they would hang around on pegs in the wall of the church.  If only a few came for Mass there would not be much light.  But if the church was full there would be plenty of light.  After the Mass, the people would come down the mountainside carrying their lanterns.  The light shone brightly when people were there to worship.  GOSPEL QUESTION FOR THE WEEK:  Are you ready to be salt and light for the world in which you live?