Sister Kate’s “Gospel Question of the Week” (John 20: 1-9)…Weekend of 4/19-20/2014 … Easter Sunday

This weekend  we celebrate the most important day of the year for Christians…the Resurrection of Jesus. Easter is the greatest and the most important feast in the Church for three reasons:  the resurrection of Christ is the basis of our Christian faith. It is the greatest of the miracles, for it proves that Jesus is God. That is why St. Paul writes: “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain; and your faith is in vain” (I Cor 15: 14). “Jesus is Lord, he is risen”(Rom 10: 9).  This was the central theme of the preaching of the Apostles because Jesus prophesied His Resurrection as a sign of His Divinity.  .The founder of no other religion has an empty tomb as Jesus has…secondly, Easter is the guarantee of our own resurrection (YAY!).   Jesus assured Martha at the tomb of Lazarus:“I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me will live even though he dies” (Jn 11: 25-26).   And thirdly, Easter is a feast which gives us hope and encouragement in this world of pain and sorrow.  Easter reminds us that life is worth living. It is our belief in the Real Presence of the Risen Jesus in our lives and in the Eucharist that gives meaning to our personal as well as our communal prayer.  This presence of Jesus in our souls helps us on a daily basis to choose what is right and freedom from unnecessary worries and fears. Easter gives us the joyful message that WE are a “Resurrection people.”  This means that we are not supposed to lie buried in the tomb of our sins, addictions, despair, discouragement or doubts. Instead, we are expected to live a joyful and peaceful life, constantly experiencing the living presence of the Risen Lord in all the events of our lives no matter the tensions of our day-to-day life.   Happy Easter to all!  Egyptian pyramids are world-famous as one of the “seven Wonders” of the ancient world. But they are actually gigantic tombs containing the mummified bodies of Egyptian Pharaohs. Westminster Abby is famous, and thousands visit it because the dead bodies of famous writers, philosophers and politicians are entombed there. But there is a Shrine of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, and pilgrims from all over the world visit a tomb there which is empty with a note at its entrance which says, “He is not here.” It is famous because Jesus Christ Who was once buried there rose from the dead, leaving an empty tomb, as He had told his disciples he would. Thus, He worked the most important miracle in His life, defying the laws of nature and proving that He is God. We rejoice at this great and unique event by celebrating Easter.  GOSPEL QUESTION FOR THE WEEK:  Does the celebration of Easter lift your soul to new hope?