Sister Kate’s “GOSPEL QUESTION OF THE WEEK”…John 6: 51-58…Weekend of 8/15-16/2015…Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This weekend we are reminded that as believers in Jesus, the Christ, we all long for and work toward life with Him in heaven FOREVER.  It would be interesting for us to each share just what our picture of heaven is!  I think the common elements of our pictures of heaven would probably include the following:  peace, everyone getting along, brightness (no darkness), and happiness beyond what we can imagine…what else would you add to the list?  John’s Gospel passages on the Eucharist tell us that we don’t have to wait until the “afterlife” to experience heaven.  Isn’t that great!!!  Jesus asserts that eating the “Living Bread” (Himself) allows us to participate in his life NOW…receiving the Eucharist is actually the initiation of our eternal life with God.  How can this be?  Those who have faith in Jesus and receive Him in the Eucharist have already stepped into heaven in this life.  Sharing in the Eucharist is sharing in God’s own life and therefore in eternal life. Our participation in the Eucharist also firms up and energizes our relationship with Christ and with one another. As Christians, our life should be in imitation of Christ’s life.  We need to allow our body to be broken and our blood to be shed for others as Jesus did. That is why, at the end of the Mass, we are sent out to announce the Gospel of the Lord with our humble service and exemplary lives, radiating Jesus’ love, mercy, forgiveness and spirit of service all around us.  Do you want a taste of heaven on this earth?  Then say with Jesus, " This is MY body, given over for you " and " This is MY blood, poured out for you “ and express it by loving others. Mother Teresa of Calcutta had a rule that when a newcomer arrived to join her Order, the Missionaries of Charity, the very next day the newcomer had to go to the Home of the Dying. One day a girl came to join the Order.  Mother Teresa said to her: " You saw with what love and care the priest touched Jesus in the Host during Mass.  Now go to the Home for the Dying and do the same, because it is the same Jesus you will find there in the broken bodies of our poor ." Three hours later the newcomer came back and, with a big smile, said to her, " Mother, I have been touching the body of Christ for three hours ."  " How? What did you do? " Mother Teresa asked her. " When I arrived there, " she replied, " they brought in a man who had fallen into a drain, and been there for some time. He was covered with dirt and had several wounds.  I washed him and cleaned his wounds. As I did so, I knew I was touching the body of Christ. " To be able to make this kind of connection, we need the help of the Lord Himself. It is above all in the Eucharist that he gives us this help    “Gospel Homework for the Week”:  Spend a few minutes this week reflecting upon the Eucharist in your life.