Sister Kate’s “GOSPEL QUESTION OF THE WEEK”…Luke 1: 39-45…Weekend of 12/19-20/2015…Fourth Sunday of Advent

This weekend marks the Fourth Sunday of Advent.  We’re getting closer to the big day of Christmas!  All of today’s readings remind us that Jesus is reborn every day in ordinary people living ordinary lives.  People, however, need to be open to these comings of the Savior.  They need to keep their “eyes peeled” to recognize Him in their brothers and sisters. The readings suggest that Christmas should inspire us to carry out God's word as Mary and Jesus did…open to the Father’s promptings…this is the way that we become TRUE disciples!  In the Holy Gospel, Luke tells us how two seemingly insignificant women met to celebrate the kindness and fidelity of God. It shows us how sensitive Mary was to the needs of Elizabeth, her older cousin, who had miraculously become pregnant in her old age. For Luke, discipleship consists in listening to God's word and then carrying it out, and Mary does both, to become the “most perfect disciple.”  Mary is an example to us of what a disciple truly is.  And what does this mean for us?  Simply this…we need to “carry Jesus” to others as Mary did. Christmas is the ideal time for us to be filled with the spirit of Christ, allowing his rebirth within us. Once Christ is reborn in us, He enables us to share His love with all whom we encounter by offering them humble and committed service, unconditional forgiveness and compassionate and caring love. This is a tall order, but Jesus never said that being a disciple was only for perfect or really strong people.  Are you looking for something practical this Christmas to live out your discipleship? Take the time to visit others during this Christmas season, especially the sick and shut-ins, to bring some inspiration into their lives, and hopefully to bring them closer to God (hmmmmm…one of the Corporal Works of Mercy)!  Do you have any idea how many people are lonely and feel separated from everyone?  I can tell you that there are many in every nursing home I visit and even homebound people that we visit. They long just for some conversation and the encouragement to believe that they are worth something.   Can you commit to this wonderful act of kindness?  Composer and performer Bradley James has set Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s teachings and prayers to music in the internationally acclaimed recording, Gift of Love: Music to the Words and Prayers of Mother Teresa. Bradley remembers her teaching: “Mother said we don’t have to go to Calcutta to help the poor; rather, we must help them right in front of us.” He applied this lesson when he encountered a homeless beggar on the streets of San Francisco. Bradley placed some money in his metal cup, then reached out and shook the man’s hand. The recipient gave him a big smile, and the two exchanged names and small talk. Bradley recalls: Then he pulled me a little closer and said, “Thanks for the money, but what I really needed was a handshake.”  Gospel Homework for Advent:  Keep Christ in Christmas.