Sister Kate’s “GOSPEL QUESTION OF THE WEEK” Mark 1: 14-20)…Weekend of 1/24-25/2015 …The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

When we hear “good news,” we can’t wait to call our relatives and friends to tell them about it.  Our face takes on a huge smile and we put everything aside until we deliver this good news to everyone who is important to us…sometimes even sharing the news with complete strangers!  This weekend’s Gospel passage is about the GOOD NEWS OF JESUS!  We hear about Jesus roaming the countryside preaching the “Good News of Salvation.”  As Jesus covers a good deal of territory sharing His good news, He passes a few fishermen ready to cast their nets and He says to them, “I have great news…come follow me and I will make you fishers of men!”  What…fishers of men?  Jesus must have been a charismatic person because these men did leave everything and followed Him.  Jesus picked up other disciples along His way as well.  I don’t really believe that they immediately understood the message of Jesus.  It takes us a lifetime to figure out the message of Jesus!  Rather, I think that they were attracted to the person of Jesus.  There was something different about Him.  He had a message that they couldn’t resist.  They took Jesus’ words seriously. As we continue to listen to Jesus’ preaching, we will see that the disciples realized that the words of Jesus needed to be turned into ACTION!  Jesus preached the GOSPEL, or good news, that God is a loving, forgiving, caring and merciful Father who wants to free us and save us from our selfishness through His Son, Jesus.  Are you listening intently to this “Good News” of Jesus in your daily life?  Are you putting this “news” into action in a way that brings others to goodness, kindness and compassion?  Just like the disciples, Jesus is calling us to leave behind our selfish ways and follow Him.  And when we do, we will also be “fishers of men”…we will be “reeling in others” in the name of Jesus.  This, my friends, is what evangelization is all about!  There are basically four reasons why people do not catch fish: (1) Some people are using the wrong bait. (2) Some people are fishing in the wrong lake, that is, they don't know where the fish are. (3) Some people have got the right bait and they're in the right lake, but they don't know how to fish. (4) Then there are some people who have the right bait, and they're in the right lake, and they know how to fish but they're just not going fishing. The Lord Jesus came not only that we might put our faith in Him, but that we might go fishing with Him. You see, our problem is not that we have the wrong lake. The water is full of fish. The problem is not that we have the wrong bait. We have the gospel which can hook any fish. Our problem, I believe, is one of ignorance and apathy. There are many Christians who believe they do not know how to share the Lord Jesus, and then there are many who just don't want to go.  GOSPEL QUESTION OF THE WEEK:  Are you conscious of witnessing to Jesus in your day to day life…especially in your family?