Sister Kate’s “GOSPEL QUESTION OF THE WEEK”…Mark 9: 38-48…Weekend of 9/26-27/2015…Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

There are MANY messages in this weekend’s passage of the Holy Gospel.  The first that comes to my mind is “tolerance.”  In the beginning of this Gospel passage, the disciples are complaining to Jesus that there is someone “outside of their group” who is performing healings in the name of Jesus. They were obviously outraged that someone other than themselves was getting some notoriety for being related to Jesus.  “Tolerance” is a word for which most people don’t have a good image.  Technically it doesn’t mean “putting up” with someone or having great reservations about someone.  Christian tolerance invites us to respect the differences we encounter in others and affirm what is good in others, even when we might harbor a bit of jealously for their gifts.  When we are “tolerant,” we have joy in the light of Christ that is shining through the loving words and deeds of others. Perhaps the main message, however, in today’s Holy Gospel is the emphasis on giving “good example” and the avoidance of giving “scandal.”  We can give scandal to others in a variety of ways…when we are unkind or unjust in our treatment of them, when we humiliate them by hurting their pride and damaging their self-image, when we discourage, ignore, or refuse to accept them, when we become judgmental of those who perhaps are still struggling in their faith…sound familiar???  Actually, Jesus speaks harshly about those who give bad example especially to the young.  He says that it would be better for them if “a millstone were tied around their neck and the stone thrown into the sea.”  Whew!  I did a bit of research on millstones and found out that they are stones used in grist mills for grinding wheat or other grains and they typically weigh 3300 pounds. And so….if one was tied around your neck and it was thrown into the sea…it would be “curtains” for you!!! Jesus is especially concerned about any bad example we might give young people.  We all know how impressionable young people are…they pick up our actions, our language etc. like a sponge.  And Jesus is reminding us that He holds as sacred the innocence of children…and we better not lead them astray.  Keep this in mind as you move from one day to the next.  Offer the children GOOD example, not bad!  An Intolerant person: The following anonymous piece offers a profile of such a person: “When the other person acts that way, he’s obnoxious…when you do it, it’s nerves. When she is set in her ways, she is obstinate …when you are, it’s just being firm.  When he doesn’t like your friends, he’s prejudiced…when you don’t like his, you are simply showing good judgment of human nature. When she tries to be accommodating, she’s polishing the apple…when you do it, you’re using tact. When he takes time to do things, he’s plodding and slow…when you take forever, you’re being deliberate and careful. When she finds fault, she’s cranky…when you do, you’re discriminating.”  IT’S ALL IN HOW WE VIEW THINGS!!! Gospel Question of the Week:  Are you AWARE OF HOW YOUR ACTIONS AND WORDS ARE AFFECTING OTHERS?