Sister Kate’s “Gospel Question of the Week” (Matthew 15: 21-28)…Weekend of 8/16-17/2014 …Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In this weekend’s passage of the Holy Gospel, we have a great lesson in perseverance.  A woman approaches Jesus and asks for help for her daughter who is “tormented by a demon.”  Curiously, Jesus doesn’t answer right away, but the woman persists despite the urging of the disciples to “take a hike!”  Her perseverance and faith pay off and Jesus healed the daughter.  Amazing, isn’t it? No trip to Sloan-Kettering or Dana Farber for healing…Jesus just “says the word” and the daughter is healed.  In this instance Jesus shows that God's mercy and love are available to all who call out to Him in faith…including us!  What does this encourage in us today, in this time?  It’s pretty straightforward!  We need to persist in prayer with trustful confidence.  There are different types of prayer, including prayer of praise and adoration…although we tend to think of prayer (and practice it!) just when we need something.  This is called “prayer of petition.”  Prayers of Petition are good…Christ Himself has told us to ask Him for what we need.  You remember Him saying, "Ask and you shall receive." Asking with sincerity and perseverance shows that we have that same "great faith” that the Canaanite woman had.   BUT…we don’t always get what we ask for, do we?  Is it the case that you always got what you wanted as a child?  We must realize and remember that we “get” what God knows we need, what He wants for us and what is really best for us.  As Christians, we also know that our particular request may not always be for our good in the long run (even though we think it will be when we ask), or for the final good of the person for whom we are praying. But if the prayer is sincere and persevering we will always get an answer—one, I believe, which will is better than what we asked for.  Hmmmm…a lot to think about and assimilate!  Many years ago in Illinois, a young man with six months schooling to his credit ran for an office in the legislature. As might have been expected, he was beaten. Next he entered business but failed in that too, and spent the next seventeen years paying the debts of his worthless partner. He fell in love with a charming lady, they became engaged – and she died. He had a nervous breakdown. He ran for Congress and was defeated. He then tried to obtain an appointment to the U.S. Land Office but didn’t succeed. He became a candidate for the Vice-Presidency and lost. Two years later he was defeated in a race for the Senate. He ran for President and finally was elected. That man was Abraham Lincoln.     It took Winston Churchill three years to get through the eighth grade, because he couldn’t pass English! Ironically, he was asked many years later to give the commencement address at Oxford University. His now famous speech consisted of only three words: “Never give up!” Today’s Gospel episode of healing gives us the same message in a more powerful way.  GOSPEL QUESTION FOR THE WEEK:  Do you persist in your prayer or put it off for “a rainy day?”