Sister Kate’s “GOSPEL QUESTION OF THE WEEK”…Matthew 2:1-12…Weekend of 1/2-3/2016…Feast of the Epiphany..

This weekend, we celebrate “The Epiphany of the Lord.”  The Gospel we hear this weekend tells of the coming of the Magi or Kings.  You remember the hymn we usually sing on this weekend…“We three Kings of Orient are…”  We look upon this Epiphany event as the first appearance of Christ to the “Gentiles” (us!).  Here’s some interesting background info about this Epiphany celebration in our Church…the word “Epiphany,” actually means “an appearance” or a “showing forth.”    The sixth century Italian tradition that there were three magi (Casper, Balthazar, and Melchior), is based on the fact that three gifts are mentioned in Matthew’s Gospel:  gold, frankincense and myrrh.  Would you believe that the Feast of the Epiphany is actually an older celebration than the feast of Christmas in our Church?  In Italy and Spain, the gifts traditionally associated with the Christmas season are exchanged today, on the feast of the Epiphany.  Theologically, "Epiphany" points to “God’s revealing Himself to US.”  And so, what is the message for us today?  Here are a few ideas… we might look upon the Epiphany (after the journey of the Kings) as a symbol of our pilgrimage through life looking for Christ.  Our journey through life “looking for Jesus” includes choosing a path for ourselves.  God leaves us free to choose whatever path we want.  It behooves us, however, to choose a path that, in the end, will bring us to Jesus.  The journey may be long and, at times, quite difficult, but we believe that God will be our star, supporting us and leading us on our journey IF we let the light of His star enter our hearts as our guide.  In a very real way, Jesus expects us also to be a STAR for Him, leading others to Jesus.   We can be that star and remove the darkness of evil around us by radiating Jesus’ love with selfless service, unconditional forgiveness/MERCY and compassionate care.  Are you ready to head out again on this journey as we begin 2016?  Here’s a story related to what we celebrate today that will “take your breath away”… There was once a holy monk who lived in Egypt. One day a young man came to visit him. The young man asked: "Oh, holy man, I want to know how to find God." The monk was muscular and burly. He said: "Do you really, want to find God?" The young man answered: "Oh, but I do." So the monk took the young man down to the river. Suddenly, the monk grabbed the young man by the neck and held his head under water. At first the young man thought the monk was giving him a special baptism. But, when after two minutes the monk didn’t let go, the young man began struggling. Still the monk wouldn’t release him. Second by second, the young man fought harder and harder. After five and half minutes, the monk pulled the young man out of the water and said: "When you desire God as much as you just desired air, you will have the epiphany of God."   Whew!!!  Gospel Question of the Week:  Can God count on you to be a STAR for Him this year?