Lector's Review

Lector's Review:

1)      Be on time for Mass, you should here 15 minutes before Mass.  Everyone needs to sign or check their name on the schedule in the sacristy.  This will allow everyone to properly prepare for Mass.

2)      Please dress appropriately.

3)      Be prepared for your reading and the other readings for that Mass.  If someone doesn’t come in you may be counted on to read their reading. 

4)      If you are reading Prayer of the Faithful please review prior to Mass to be clear on the names and/or any other things out of the ordinary.  We are working on making it larger print.

5)      The lector schedule is emailed to most of you.  Therefore it is important that any changes are sent to Marie Celeste so you don’t miss any updates.  marieceleste@nycap.rr.com

6)      Please remember to bow before to the altar before going to the ambo.  Walk to the center of the altar bow and proceed to the ambo.

7)      Please remember if you cannot be here for a service you should find a replacement and call the office prior to Wednesday so the change can be properly noted. 

8)      When you read the Prayer of the Faithful you should begin to come up to the ambo when the congregation begins “I believe in Holy Spirit….”  This will place you at the ambo as the congregation finishes the prayer. The presider will then ask that our petitions be heard.  As he finishes his request you will begin to read.

9)      Please listen to announcements after mass as we will be asking all lector’s to update their email address.