Womens' Guild Minutes May 2015

St. Michael’s Women’s Guild

Meeting Minutes for May 4, 2015


Opening Prayer:  Sister Kate led the group in opening prayer reflecting on this weekend’s gospel.

Call to Order:  President, Teresa Murphy, called the May 2015 meeting of the Women’s Guild to order.  There were 26 members present.

Secretary’s Report:  There were no suggested changes to the minutes of the April meeting.  A motion to accept the minutes was made by Fran Roscello and seconded by Jeannie Aurelia. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Marie Celeste reported that the opening balance for April was $1,672.02 and the closing balance was $1,282.66.  A motion to accept the report was made by Kathy Hein and seconded by Debbie Toce.

Membership Coordinator Report:  Carol Rosney reported that the Guild has 128 paid members for the 2014-2015 year and 44 paid members for the 2015-2016 year.  The annual membership drive will take place on the weekend of May 9th and 10th.  Carol requested help manning the Women’s Guild table in the Gathering Area at this weekend’s Masses. 

Publicity Report:  Nicole Mestoik reported that she is placing information in the bulletin as appropriate. 

Committee Reports

Altar Committee:  Jeannie Aurelia reported that Chris Urban is retiring from the Altar Committee after many years of dedicated service.  Teresa Murphy thanked Chris on behalf of all the Women’s Guild for all she has done.  Jeannie solicited for new members to help with the Altar Committee.  The Altar Committee needs to purchase new Swiffers.

Sick and Vigil:  Marilyn Murdock sent out Get Well Cards to Rose Christopher and Mary Bowers.  Suggestions were made to send cards to Bea LaClair and Joyce Weber. 

Military:  Rosemary Burns, Mary Rose Ryan, Marilyn Murdock and Mary Bowers have volunteered to take over the leadership of collecting items and mailing packages to military personnel.  Consideration is being given to having a collection over the summer possibly around the 4th of July.  A suggestion was made to provide items to the new women’s veteran shelter in Troy.

Garden Club:  Teresa Murphy expressed thanks to the 13 parishioners who helped with the spring clean-up of the Church gardens. 

Hospitality:  Deb Toce reported that the Hospitality Committee helped with the serving and clean-up for the Welcome Dinner held on 4/21/15.  Deb will be stepping down from the Hospitality Committee.  The group expressed appreciation for all Deb has done on the Hospitality Committee.

Old Business:

Easter Egg Hunt:  JoAnn O’Connell reported that the Easter Egg hunt was a success.  Sister Kate and Dan DeCrescenzo judged the coloring contest.

Nominating Committee:  Nicole Mestoik reported that Joan Phillips had agreed to run for Treasurer of the Guild.  The positions of President and Vice-President were still open.  Barbara Campbell volunteered to run for Vice-President and informed the group that Margaret Willard would accept the nomination for President.  Secretary, Ann Kowalczyk, cast one vote for each of the unopposed offices:  President – Margaret Willard, Vice-President – Barbara Campbell, Treasurer – Joan Phillips, Secretary – Ann Kowalczyk, Membership Coordinator – Carol Rosney and Publicity – Nicole Mestoik. 

June Dinner Meeting:  Barbara Campbell sent around sign-up sheets for the June Dinner meeting to be held on June 1st at the Franklin Terrace.  The cost for the dinner is $25.00.

Chicken BBQ: Maureen Fogarty reported that the Chicken BBQ will be held on Friday, September 25th.  Volunteers to help with preparing coleslaw packaging dinners etc will be recruited at the September meeting.  Books of tickets were available for members after the meeting. 

New Business:

Audit Committee: Maureen Fogarty and Ann Kowalczyk volunteered to audit the Women’s Guild’s books for the 2014-2015 year.

Teresa Murphy thanked Pat Sweeney and Sister Kate for providing refreshments for this month’s meeting.  Teresa suggested we have a sign-up sheet for refreshments for next year

50/50 Winner:  $93.00 was collected in the 50/50 raffle.  Carolee Jasiewicz was the winner of $46.50.

Springs Nursing Home:  $22.50 was collected for the Springs Nursing Home.

Refreshments for September Meeting:  The Guild will have their annual ice-cream social at the September meeting. 

Adjournment:  Caroline Martin made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Rosemary Burns.


                                                                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                                                                Ann Kowalczyk