Womens' Guild Minutes June 2015

St. Michael’s Women’s Guild

Meeting Minutes for June 1, 2015

Call to Order:   In Teresa Murphy’s absence, Past-President, Margaret Willard welcomed everyone to the June Dinner meeting at the Franklin Terrace.  Margaret informed the group that Teresa’s mother-in-law had passed and that she was unable to join us.  Margaret thanked Barbara Campbell for co-chairing the June Dinner meeting. 

Margaret offered suggestions for the upcoming year for consideration of the members.  She suggested that the Guild donate money for five hymnals in memory of deceased members of the Women’s Guild.  This was unanimously accepted by all present.  Margaret also suggested that we consider having a Guild photographer to help memorialize some of our events.  As a way to potentially increase attendance at meetings, she suggested that we raffle off gift cards at the September, October and November meetings with the name of each woman present at these meetings entered into the raffle.  This was also unanimously accepted by all members present.   

Margaret presented a motion to suspend the business portion of the meeting which was accepted by all. 

Grace:  Deacon Bob lead the group in grace before our meal.

Installation of Officers:  The new officers of the Guild were then installed:



Outgoing Officer

Incoming Officer


Teresa Murphy

Margaret Willard


Joan Phillips

Barbara Campbell


Ann Kowalczyk

Ann Kowalczyk


Carol Rosney

Carol Rosney


Marie Celeste

Joan Phillips


Nicole Mestoik

Nicole Mestoik

  The 50/50 winner for June was Liz Bonesteel who won $63.50 of the $127.00 collected.



                                                                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                                                                Ann Kowalczyk