Sister Kate’s Gospel Question of the Week” John 14: 23-29…Weekend of 4/30-5/1/16 …Sixth Sunday of Easter…

The Gospel passage for the sixth Sunday of Easter is quite comforting. Jesus tells the disciples (and us) that “He is going away…BUT…that He will send HIS SPIRIT to be with them/us…always.”  We are reminded that the Holy Spirit, abiding within us, is truly our teacher and the source of ALL our peace. This Gospel passage offers us HOPE.  It’s so important that we do whatever we can to be reminded of the abiding presence of God within us in His Spirit.  What a gift!!!  We live in a world where we are daily facing uncertainty, conflict, and temptations. It is the abiding presence of God within us that enables us to face the future with hope and true Christian courage (as you know, courage is one of my favorite words…the other being compassion). The Spirit of the risen Lord within us encourages us to BE AWARE of God’s presence each day in our lives.   However, to be able to receive these promised gifts of peace, understanding and right judgment, it is necessary for us to give God some time every day in personal prayer. In our prayer, we both talk to God and listen to God. This is the only way we can deepen our relationship with Jesus. When we listen to the Holy Spirit of Jesus, we will hear His plan for our life and His solutions to whatever problems we face. When we stay in touch with the Lord, we will be able to “love one another” as last week’s Gospel passage commanded.  This will give us peace in the core of our being.  With the Spirit of Jesus in our hearts, we will never be alone.  One of the great social and ethical problems of our time is isolation. Today, approximately 25% of all adults live alone. Even when we live in the same house with others, we can still “live alone” because spouses, parents, and children often live as virtual strangers to one another…coming and going on their own schedules with next to no communication…except with their phone!!!  How sad and unfortunate! As Christians, we take comfort in the fact that Jesus is always present to us. He shares his joy with us…and wipes away our transgressions. He can take our grief and turn it into joy.  But, as I have often said, God doesn’t force Himself on anyone.  We have to be open to His presence and His grace…AND…we are the ONLY one who can open our heart to Him.  No one else has the key.  Oneness with Jesus is the greatest gift we can give our children, our friends, or those who see no purpose in life. We can help to bring people to unity with Jesus, a unity that will change their lives.  But, we cannot give what we do not have.  Cultivate a home for the Spirit of Jesus in your heart.  You’ll never be sorry you did!  St. Francis of Assisi was an ardent advocate of the doctrine of the indwelling of God in man. It enabled him to love every one equallywhatever his status in life. One day he met a fellow who had no love for God. As they walked along, they met a man who was blind and paralyzed. St. Francis asked the sightless cripple: “Tell me, if I were to restore your eyesight and the use of your limbs, would you love me?” “Ah,” replied the beggar, “I would not only love you but I would be your slave for the rest of my life.” “See,” said Francis to the man who maintained that he could not love God, “this man would love me if I gave him his sight and his health. Why don’t you love God Who created you with eyesight and strong limbs?” That is exactly what Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel. If we love him because of the countless blessings he has given us, He will dwell within us in the company of his Father and the Holy Spirit, making us the temples of the Triune God.   GOSPEL QUESTION OF THE WEEK:  Have you checked lately to see if the Spirit IS dwelling within you?