Women's Guild Minutes November 2015

St. Michael’s Women’s Guild

Meeting Minutes for November 2, 2015

Opening Prayer:  Deacon Bob led the group in opening prayer reflecting on vocations.

Call to Order:  President, Margaret Willard, used a gavel to call the November 2015 meeting of the Women’s Guild to order.  The gavel was a gift from Mr. Hill used by the Guild Presidents beginning with some of the first Guild meetings 61 years ago.  Margaret thanked Mary Bowers, Marilyn Murdock and Mary Rose Ryan for cleaning and organizing the Women’s Guild closet and finding the gavel.  Margaret presented the ladies with flowers to express her appreciation.   We are celebrating the Women’s Guild’s 61st year.  Harry Hovey took a picture of the women present around the Women’s Guild 61st Anniversary cake.  There were 34 members present. 

Secretary’s Report:  There were no suggested changes to the minutes of the October meeting.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Kathy Hein and seconded by Pat Sweeney. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Joan Phillips reported that the opening balance for October 2015 was $3,000.56 and the closing balance was $3,127.51.  Joan reported that the Guild received a gift of $200.00 from Paula Zenzen.  A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Jeanie Aurelia and seconded by Caroline Martin. 

Membership Coordinator Report:  Carol Rosney reported that the Guild has 108 paid members. 

Publicity Report:  Nicole Mestoik reported that she is placing information in the bulletin as needed.  Caroline Martin expressed concerns over the way the publicity for the Christmas dinner was handled.  She intended that the information be inserted in the bulletin rather than on the table outside the chapel.  Margaret Willard will talk to Sister Kate about the guidelines for placing information in the bulletin.   

Sick and Vigil:  Marilyn Murdock reported that cards were sent to Rose Volk and Sister Marjorie.  A suggestion was made to send a card to Shirley McLaughlin, who is in the Van Rensselaer Manor.

Altar Committee:  Jeannie Aurelia reported that 9 people attended the annual meeting of the Altar Committee.  She would like to recruit new members as the number of people involved in the Altar Committee has dwindled. 

Military:  Rosemary Burns reported that the Military packages will be sent next week.  She currently has names and addresses for three military personnel.    

Garden Club:  Teresa Murphy reported that the arbor has been donated by the Men’s Club in memory of Frank Yankowski.  The arbor was dedicated last week and that the ceremony was followed by a reception of pastries and coffee sponsored by the Hospitality Committee.    

October Bake Sale:  Joan Phillips reported that a profit of $593.25 was made at the Fall Bake Sale.  She thanked the bakers and helpers for a great job and specifically thanked Lou Ann Gramolini for the four quiches she donated.  There were approximately 10 Women’s Guild cook books sold at the sale. 

Women’s Guild Shirts:  Teresa Murphy reported that she ordered shirts for three members and has also ordered two extra.  If anyone wishes to purchase a Women’s Guild shirt, please see Teresa.

Travel Mugs:  Teresa Murphy has the St. Michael’s logo that she will provide to Margaret Willard.  Margaret will use this art work to get the travel mugs produced. 

Troopons:  This item will be discussed at the January meeting. 

Election Day Soup Supper: Anne Shields is coordinating the Election Day Soup event to be held on November 3, 2015.  She has volunteers who will make a variety of different soups.  Margaret Willard will provide the rolls and has the containers for the soup.   The soup will be ready for sale around 11:00 a.m. 

Christmas Dinner:  Caroline Martin reported that the December Dinner meeting will be held on December 7, 2015 at the Franklin Terrace.  Margaret Willard, Carol Rosney and Nicole Mestoik volunteered to sell tickets to the Christmas dinner after the Masses. 

Pastoral Care:  The Pastoral Care Ministry will be providing Christmas poinsettias to homebound parishioners and people in the Nursing homes.  The suggestion was made to bake cookies to provide with the plants.  We will need approximately 26 dozen cookies for the weekend of 12/19 and 12/10.  Deacon Bob will get a list of people with diabetes, those gluten-free or people with swallowing issues.  Caroline Martin made a motion to use up to $200 of the money donated by Paula Zenzen to purchase sugar-free cookies or sugar-free candy for the diabetics.  This motion carried unanimously.  

Welcome Dinner:  The next parish Welcome Dinner will take place on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Church Hall.  Jeanie Aurelia, Barb Campbell, Kathy Moon, Carol Rosney, Pat Sweeney and Margaret Willard volunteered to help with set-up, serving and cleaning up at the dinner. 

50/50 Winner:  $115.00 was collected in the 50/50 raffle.    Joan Giordano was the winner of $57.50.

Springs Nursing Home:  $35.00 was collected for the Springs Nursing Home.

Adjournment:  Jeannie Aurelia made a motion to adjourn.  It was seconded was Josephine Gasparro.

                                                                                                                                                Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                                                                Ann Kowalczyk